Address by Deputy President Jacob Zuma
on the Occasion of Budget Vote 1, The Presidency, National
Assembly, Cape Town, 23 June 2004
Madam Speaker,
The Honourable President of the Republic,
Honourable Ministers and Deputy Ministers
Honourable Members,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
We are pleased to have this opportunity of sharing
with you our activities in line with the programme of
action outlined by the President in the State of the
Nation address.
Ministers have over the last few weeks, in their respective
budget votes, outlined the activities of the various
departments, aimed at advancing the fight against poverty
and expanding access to a better life. These have clearly
indicated the commitment of this government to meeting
the needs of the people.
Madam Speaker, let me take advantage of this being
youth month, and begin by saluting our youth and acknowledging
their contribution to the struggle for freedom in our
country. The youth are our future and youth development
continues to be one of our key priorities. The Minister
in the Presidency, who bears responsibility for youth
development, will expand on our activities in this regard.
Madam Speaker, we see nation building as continuing
to be a key responsibility in this second decade of
freedom. Our people, united in diversity, need to work
together in a people's contract to create work and fight
While working for national unity, we by no means seek
to suppress the unique diversity that makes South Africa
a world in one country.
Members are aware of the establishment of the Commission
for the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Cultural,
Religious and Linguistic Communities, which is set to
begin its work in earnest this year. Let us use this
Commission, as religious, cultural or linguistic groups,
to contribute our uniqueness as we build a better life
for all.
Another key aspect of nation building and the encouragement
of diversity is the promotion of multilingualism, especially
ensuring the greater use of indigenous languages to
promote their growth and development.
Somlomo, namalungu ahloniphekile esishayamthetho sikazwelonke,
kuyancomeka ukuthi izilimi eziningi seziyakhulunywa
ngisho nalapha endlini yesishayamthetho sikazwelonke.
Kuyinjabulo kakhulu ngoba ngesikhathi sobandlululo
lezizilimi zazishaywe indiva, zibukelwa phansi. Kuyakhombisa-ke
manje ukuthi umbuso wentando yeningi nenkululeko, sekulethe
izinguquko eziningi.
Abantu sebeyakwazi manje ukusho okusemicabangweni yabo
ngokungazenyezi. Lokhu kuyinto ebaluleke kakhulu ekwakhiweni
kwesizwe, nasekubuyiseni isimo sokuzethemba ebantwini
Okunye okubalulekile Somlomo, ezinguqukweni ezilethwe
yinkululeko, ukubuyiswa kwesithunzi samakhosi endabuko
sibuyiswa yilohulumeni wentando yeningi.
Siyakhumbula sonke ukuthi amakhosi ayephucwe namandla
okwenza izinto ezithile ngesikhathi sobandlululo, ephethwe
yizimantshi. Lomthetho omusha oshaywe yilesisishayamthetho
usukubeke kwacaca ukuthi yiliphi iqhaza elizobanjwa
amakhosi kulombuso wentando yeningi.
Kanti nendlela amakhosi azosebenzisana ngayo nohulumeni
isicaciswe kabanzi kulomthetho. Kuningi esikubona kufanele
amakhosi abambe kukho iqhaza, ikakhulukazi emkhankasweni
wokubuyisa ubuntu, nezimilo emphakathini. Amakhosi angasisiza
isizwe ekukhumbuzeni abantu amasiko agcizelela ubuntu,
ukuze kunciphe ubunswelaboya.
Kanti nasemikhakheni yezolimo, nokuthuthukiswa kwezindawo
zasemakhaya, kanye nokufakwa kwezingqalasizinda nokunye,
kufanele kuqiniswe ubudlelwane nokusebenzisana phakathi
kwamakhosi nohulumeni basemakhaya, njengoba sekwenzeka
nje kwezinye izindawo.
Madam Speaker, we are pleased that the moral regeneration
programme has continued to take root in communities.
Honourable Members would be aware of the success of
the many campaigns undertaken by government and communities,
encouraging awareness and action against scourges such
as domestic violence, child abuse as well as alcohol
and drug abuse.
The success of campaigns such as the 16 Days of Activism
against Violence directed towards women, and others
such as Child Protection Week, result from the strong
partnership between government and communities in preventing
and fighting criminality.
We thank all members of this House who are active in
their constituencies in such campaigns. Let us do more,
especially during this year, which is the International
Year of the Family. But let me emphasise Madam Speaker
that the Moral Regeneration programme is not only about
campaigns against negative behaviour.
It is also about promoting positive values such as
ubuntu, compassion, respect for human dignity, human
life and all other values enshrined in our Constitution.
Therefore, all of us have a role to play in our communities,
to mobilize and promote these values in various activities.
In this regard, Madam Speaker, allow me to use this
opportunity to pay tribute to one of our foremost nation
builders, the former editor-in-chief of the Sowetan,
Aggrey Klaaste, who died at the weekend.
His contribution to social development and to building
a compassionate society will never be forgotten. He
was not just a spectator and reporter of events; he
was a catalyst for change.
Honourable Members, as we all know, the then Deputy
President Mbeki launched the Partnership against AIDS
in 1998, emphasizing partnerships in care and support
for the infected and affected.
In addition to many government programmes, many resources
have been pooled from diverse communities and social
groupings to ensure a strong, united and comprehensive
response to this epidemic. This partnership is expressed
and coordinated through the South African National Aids
We will continue to encourage all sectors and spheres
of society to be involved as equal partners in developing
programmes, and in sharing information and research
that will curb the spread of this disease. We must also
develop more support networks for those already infected
and affected by the disease.
Honourable members, the building of a better Africa
and a better world has always been a strong mission
of our government. We will continue our interactions
on a bilateral and multilateral level with various countries
and international institutions to promote our national
We will next week host the second meeting of the
South Africa-People's Republic of China Binational
Commission. We will seek to further expand bilateral
relations with China in the political, economic, technological,
cultural, educational and scientific fields. South Africa
is China's largest trading partner in Africa.
As China is one of the world's fastest growing economies,
we anticipate that the Binational Commission will assist
in further improving trade between our two countries.
The bilateral trade volume has already increased from
R9, 3 billion in 1990 to R23, 3 billion, in 2003.
We also have Binational Commissions with Nigeria, Sweden
and Germany, and all these provide a focused mechanism
of deepening ties and meeting objectives such as expanding
trade relations in order to meet the national priority
of job creation.
Madam Speaker, we are also continuing with conflict
resolution in the Great Lakes region, including Burundi,
where elections need to take place before the 1st of
November 2004, in terms of the Arusha agreement.
A timetable has been approved by the Great Lakes region
and we are working closely with the Barundi to ensure
adherence to the deadlines.
The priorities in the next few weeks include the establishment
of an independent electoral commission and the passing
of the necessary electoral legislation.
Also in terms of the Arusha Agreement, we are assisting
the Burundi parties to finalise a post-election power
sharing arrangement, which we call a "soft landing,"
which would take into account both the aspirations of
the majority as well as the fears of the minority.
We spent two days in Burundi last week, and met with
30 political parties and representatives of civil society,
to discuss post-election power sharing and the peace
process in general.
On Monday this week, in Pretoria, we also received
a delegation from the All Africa Council of Churches,
the World Council of Churches and the Fellowship of
Christian Councils in East Africa and the Horn of Africa,
to discuss the Burundi peace process.
With regards to preparing the security conditions,
Honourable Members would also be aware of the deployment
of a United Nations peacekeeping mission from the 1st
of June, to replace the African Mission in Burundi.
As members will recall, when the UN Security Council
indicated in 2002, that conditions were not conducive
for the deployment of a UN force, as the ceasefire agreements
did not meet all the UN requirements, the AU decided
to deploy the African Mission, to which South Africa,
Mozambique and Ethiopia contributed troops.
As we welcome the UN deployment, we also commend the
African Mission in Burundi, the first ever peacekeeping
mission deployed by the AU. It was a key innovation
in the continent and is now a good model for future
AU peacekeeping missions.
Madam Speaker, allow me to thank all Honourable members
who continue to support the key role that our country
is playing in peacemaking and peace-keeping in the continent.
South Africa is presently listed as the tenth largest
Troop Contributing Country to the United Nations.
This is a remarkable achievement bearing in mind that
the country only became directly involved in UN Peacekeeping
operations since 2001. This indicates the total commitment
of South Africa to peace and stability in the continent
and the world.
Our country continues to provide hope in the continent,
especially in the search for peace. We recall that during
the two presentations to the United Nations Security
Council for the deployment of a peacekeeping mission
in Burundi, in 2002 and 2003, Council members unanimously
emphasised the importance of the role that South Africa
is playing in the continent. This view has been expressed
in many other forums.
Malungu ahloniphekile esishayamthetho sikazwelonke,
angigcizelele ukuthi njengoba sithumele amabutho kulamazwe
anjengo-Burundi, no-DRC, senziwa ukwazi ukuthi angeke
sithuthuke sijabule sodwa ungunaphakade, kube kudlange
izimpi nokwentula emazweni angomakhelwane bethu.
Kuyayisiza iNingizimu Africa ukusebenzela ukuthula
ukuze sandise amazwe esingahwebelana nawo, futhi sithuthukise
umnotho wezwe lethu, kanye nowezwekazi lethu i-Afrika.
Sizimisele ukusebenzela ukuthula e-Afrika, ukuze kungabibikho
ama-Afrika ayophila ngosizi, ukweswela, nangokwesaba.
Honourable Members, taking government to the people
through Izimbizo and other public participation programmes
is set to continue. Accessibility and the capacity to
listen and respond to the people continue to be a key
priority of this government.
Last year, a number of izimbizo were undertaken. The
follow-ups conducted after the visits indicate the success
of this programme. For example, in 2001 we visited the
Free State, and in November last year, we returned to
assess progress.
As regards agriculture, a request for the speeding
up of land claims had been made in 2001. By the time
of the follow-up visit, 18 farms had been allocated
to the previously disadvantaged families through grants
obtained from government.
On the question of access to services, the people of
Trompsburg and Zastron had in 2001 complained about
having to travel to Bloemfontein to obtain identity
and other civic documents. As we speak, Multipurpose
Community Centres are under construction in the two
areas to resolve the problem.
The people of Trompsburg had also requested sport and
recreational facilities, and these were built by government
at the cost of R 4 million.
In Limpopo, following complaints from the people during
an Imbizo last year, the provincial government set aside
over R30 million to demolish and rebuild all schools
built with asbestos in Mafefe village.
These are just a few illustrations of how government
responds to the issues raised during izimbizo. They
indicate the value of imbizo as a communication, monitoring
and evaluation tool.
Madam Speaker, in this new term of government and new
parliament, as Leader of Government Business let me
acknowledge and welcome the existing co-operation between
the Executive and Parliament.
We will play our part to contribute to the efficient
functioning of Parliament, through, among other things,
ensuring the smooth flow of legislation.
In the previous parliament we succeeded in ensuring
that a large number of bills did not have to be fast-tracked,
and that Parliament had sufficient time to properly
consider the Bills before it.
Madam Speaker, Honourable Members, once again thank
you for this opportunity of sharing information on our
activities. We hope for a continued positive working
relationship between the executive and parliament, for
the common good of our country.
In conclusion Madam Speaker, let me take this opportunity
to thank President Mbeki and Minister Essop Pahad for
their support in our work. I also extend my gratitude
to our Director-General, the Reverend Frank Chikane,
and all Presidency staff for their hard work and much-valued
support to all of us.
Allow us to also extend our heartfelt condolences to
Rev Chikane and his family on the passing on of his
I thank you.