Address of President Mahmoud Abbas, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the PLO President of the Palestinian National Authority, before Joint Sitting of the South African Parliament, 31st March 2006, Cape Town

Madam Speaker of the National Assembly;
Chairperson of the National Council of Provinces;
Mr. President;
Ladies and gentlemen;

I would like to express my gratitude for your kind invitation to speak today before the representatives of the South African people. A great country, that epitomizes the model for all countries in their struggle for equality among its people and has eliminated all kinds of racial discrimination and injustices.

Your country, despite your painful experience under apartheid, it still continues supporting all causes of freedom, independence and democracy.

Madam speaker, The Palestinian people is proud of the historic and strong bonds of relations with the people of South Africa and is looking towards your country as a model from which we draw lessons and inspirations, to continue our march to achieve a just and comprehensive peace and regain our rights of self determination, and establishment of Independent state of Palestine with Jerusalem as its capital.

Madam Speaker, Mr. President

Dear friends, members of parliament, it is a great honour to me to address this august assembly and to convey sincere greetings of the Palestinian people, members of the Palestine national council and members of the newly-elected Palestinian legislative council. I would like to reaffirm, our deep pride of the historic relations between our two peoples, which have been establish many years ago during our common struggle for justice arid freedom, which gave birth to the new South Africa.

At this historic moment I want to salute my great friend President Thabo Mbeki for his unwavering support for the Palestinian national struggle and his great efforts to advance the peace process in the Middle East and his prominent regional and international efforts to achieve peace and stability in the world. We salute our dear friend Mr. Nelson Mandela for his great contribution to our struggle, and remember our dear late leader Yasser Arafat for consolidating the struggle relations between our two nations.

We are confident that these relations between our two governments and people will further enhance and develop under the wise leadership of dear brother Thabo Mbeki and his friendly government. We are always keen to listen to his wisdom, advice and coordinate our common stances regarding various bilateral and international issues.

South Africa's policies against all forms of human rights violations and its role in support of political and economic stability and conflict resolutions in Africa is another testimony of the leading role of South Africa and its leadership.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Your great achievements in lifting the injustice perpetuated against your people marked by the historic defeat of apartheid, is a unique human achievement which lead to the political and economic stability and equality regardless of colour, race and religion.

As you are aware my friends, the Palestinian people has and still continue to sacrifice and suffer tremendously to obtain their freedom.

Palestinian People is living under extremely difficult and dangerous conditions, where they are subjected to all kinds of torture, siege, suffocation, and confiscation of land by Israel - the occupying force. These aggressive and illegal practices are aimed at establishing its occupation, illegal settlement in our land and to undermine the peace process and all the regional and international initiatives to reviving it.

It seeks to destroy our National Authority and the recent Israeli military aggression against the city of Jericho and its crime of kidnapping the Palestinian prisoners is clear evidence which demonstrates Israel's intentions to ignore and disregard all the signed international agreements.

Dear friends, Your participation and advice, is essential under these complex and difficult circumstances, and we are confident that, with our dear friend President Thabo Mbeki and members of his government, we can reach common position, through which we can push towards reviving the peace process in our region. We Palestinians are very keen and interested in learning more about your experience that will help us to advance the political process in the Middle East.

We welcome any effort that your government would make and we assure you, that despite all our suffering, we will remain committed to all peace initiatives and continue to be responsible and objective in positively responding to all regional, international efforts and initiatives aimed at reviving and protecting the peace process, despite Israeli obstruction of the negotiation process to replace it with the iron fist and unilateral policies, which we vehemently reject. We demand that these policies cease immediately as they intend to draw and define the final solution unilaterally.

We have agreed to the Road Map sponsored by the Quartet Committee. The government of Israel; however, has put forward fourteen reservations on this plan, and has relied on its force and influence to continue expansionist policies and oppression against our people. It has misled the world by creating the impression that there is no Palestinian partner to negotiate with.

I want to reiterate before you my dears friends, that we are ready to start the negotiations immediately, and to implement all the United Nations Resolutions and signed agreements.

The real obstacle is the Israeli obstinate stance from the one side, and the lack of effective intervention by the international community from the other.

It is unacceptable to use the victory of Hamas in the elections of the second Palestinian Legislative Council, as an excuse to increase the Israeli aggression against our people and punish our people for its democratic choice.

Here I would like to call upon you and all peace and freedom loving people in the world, to exert all necessary efforts to stop the Israeli aggression, and to implement all the signed agreements and the relevant UN resolutions. That will lead to the establishment of our independent Palestinian state in all the territories occupied by Israel in June 1967. So as to accomplish the desired peace, which can ensure stability and security to all the people in the region including Israel, and would allow our people to live freely, with dignity, sovereignty and independence on its Palestinian soil.

We have learned from your struggle that peace is possible when justice and equality prevail. No matter how powerful the enemy is, it cannot defeat the will and determination of the people to live free and dignified. As much as we wish to jive in peace with our Israeli neighbors, we are determined in upholding our national rights in our country, to reach the day when we have a free, independent and democratic Palestine, which will contribute towards the stability and prosperity of the Middle East.

Madam Speaker, Mr. President and dear friends,

Given all the difficult circumstances, we need your continued support, together with the international community The extent of the suffering of our people is beyond imagination and words, either on the economic level1 freedom of movements, the ghettos that are being imposed on our people, who live in isolated areas surrounded by either Jewish settlements or by the Israeli military forces, Specific roads and routes are being designed for settlers that are forbidden for Palestinians. I believe that whoever has visited Palestine among you, arid has seen the extent of the suffering, discrimination, injustice, and oppression, remembers the worst days of racial discrimination in your past.

Madam Speaker, Mr. President, ladies and Gentlemen, May I once again congratulate you for your achievements in South Africa. We are determined to follow your steps towards freedom, sovereignty and independence.

We will remain together until we have liberated Palestine, and we will defend the freedom of others as we defend ours.

Long live South African-Palestinian friendship.

Issued by Department of Foreign Affairs
Private Bag X152

31 March 2006


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