Transcript of South Africa's Foreign Minister, Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma's Remarks after Meeting with the Secretary of State, Dr Condoleezza Rice at the US State Department, Washington DC, 11 January 2006

Question: Asked on what they discussed with the Secretary of State, Dr Condoleezza Rice on Iran

Answer: Minister Dlamini Zuma responded by stating that as widely reported Iran has decided to break the seals and continue( with their enrichment programme), "so( we: Dr Zuma and Dr Rice) were reflecting on what that means and obviously the decision would have to be taken by the Board of Governors so, there may be a meeting of the Board of Governors to see how they react to that situation".

Question: Follow - up question on how the negotiations process should unfold and the role that SA should play in assisting in the resolution of

Answer: Minister Dlamini Zuma indicated that "Well, It ( such a decision) would have to be on very clear terms of where we are going and how we get there, But, we have been supporting the negotiations with the EU, maybe those negotiations should continue.

Question; Do you think Iran should be referred to the UNSC ? Do you think there should be an emergency meeting of the IAEA ?

Answer: Minister Dlamini Zuma said that"I don't want to prejudge what the Board of Governors would decide, but the B.O.G would look at all the facts and obviously all the conditions and take appropriate decisions.

Question: Do you think the talks have reached a dead - end in terms o their usefulness

Answer: Well,I think even if it goes to the UNSC, the talks would still have to continue. So I think talking cannot stop, even because even if the matter goes to the UNSC, either way discussions must continue in or outside there.

Question: But given the fruitlessness of the talks thus far does SA think that sanctions should be taken to Iran

Answer: Well, SA as you know is a country that believes in multilateralism. We participate in the B.O.G, so obviously we will be participating there and we will support the collective decisions that will be taken by the Board of Governors.

Question: But do you think that Iran has crossed the red line?

Answer: Well, I think they have broken some of the agreements that they had reached with the EU, even though it was a voluntary moratorium, but of course it was part of the EU Agreements.

Question: Do you have good relations with Iran, will you pressure them to take a different route?

Answer: Well, we have been talking to Iran, we have been talking to the EU, we will participate in the Board, we will continue, but we don't necessarily have a big influence on anybody.

Further reiterating earlier principles mentioned, Minister Dlamini Zuma emphasized that South Africa believes in the multilateral system so clearly if a Board took a collective decision, SA would be part of that collective decision, so "I wouldn't like to prejudge what will happen."

Question: On Zimbabwe When: asked whether the meeting between Dr Zuma and Dr Rice discussed Zimbabwe,

Answer: Minister Dlamini Zuma responded by stating that "It didn't actually, Zimbabwe as an issue did not arise) "we didn't discuss it, No, no…. we discussed IRAN, Sudan, UN Reforms, so we didn't only focus on Iran But, we didn't discuss Zimbabwe.

Question: Did Madame Secretary say that there might be an emergency meeting, perhaps in two weeks time convened by the Board of Governors on Iran?

Answer: Well she didn't put any timeframes, but she just said there would have to be a meeting of the Board of Governors, but she didn't say exactly when.

Thank you!

Issued by Nomfanelo Kota on 0824593787

Department of Foreign Affairs
c/o SA Embassy in Washington D.C
United States of America

11 January 2005

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