Address by the Minister of International Relations & Cooperation, Ms Maite Nkoana-Mashabane on the occasion of the Forum for Supporters of the CPA Washington D.C., 23rd  June 2009

US Special Envoy to the Sudan, General Scott Gration
Honourable Ministers
Distinguished heads of delegation & envoys
Ladies and Gentlemen

As South Africa we are indeed honoured to be given the opportunity to participate in this very important Forum for Supporters of the CPA to review the implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement in the Sudan. We commend the government of the United States of America for taking the initiative to bring together many countries to exchange views on how best to forge ahead with the task of supporting the peace process in the Sudan.

In the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) the National Congress Party (NCP) and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) set far reaching goals to launch the Sudan on a path towards the creation of a new Sudan, based on the principle of equal citizenship for all her peoples, thus creating conditions for preserving the unity of the country.
We also want to take this opportunity to thank the countries of IGAD for the supportive role they have played.

This high level conference is therefore an opportunity to:

  • Identify key obstacles and challenges to the implementation of the CPA, and to come up with effective mechanisms for resolving these obstacles and challenges. We think that the people of Sudan have waited for too long for peace.
  • Renew and reaffirm the commitment of the International Community and the Parties that are signatories to the CPA to its full implementation.

Therefore, through this high level interaction we believe that we can together work towards saving the CPA and safeguard the democratic transformation of the Sudan.
After 21 years of war the issue was no longer whether transformation was necessary but rather how to ensure our mutual obligations as partners.  The people of Sudan have been waiting for four years to see peace through the democratic transformation of Government at all levels.

Progress on the key outstanding issues requires a sound relationship between the NCP and the SPLM based on trust, mutual respect and cooperation. For much of the interim period these ingredients seem to lacking. We urge the parties to do more to build trust and mutual respect through dialogue. The people of Sudan cannot continue to be deprived of the peace dividend promised by the CPA.

 Therefore, there is an urgent need for the Parties to come together and recommit themselves in the sight of the International Community to the letter and spirit of the CPA.
The Mid-Term Evaluation Report of the Assessment and Evaluation Commission (AEC) recommendations should be reinforced and mechanisms for enforcing their implementation should be identified.

In terms of the implementation of the CPA we have only attained between 30-40% of the provisions. However, more than 60% of the implementation still has been attained.

The main challenges to the implementation of the CPA are:

  • Political development and governance
  • Wealth sharing – transparency and accountability in the oil  sector
  • The Three Areas – delineation of borders
  • Security – integration of  armed forces
  • Resolution of the Darfur Crisis, which is linked to the CPA and deserves its own consideration.
  • National census and elections

We support the decision of the African Union to effect Article 16 of ICC Rome Statute and hope that this will encourage the Sudanese to find lasting peace in Darfur and to renew commitment to full implementation of the CPA.

In conclusion, Chairperson, despite the challenges that lie ahead there is much to be positive and optimistic about in the Sudan. Four years of relative peace and stability have created the opportunity for the parties to start to grapple with the issues of democratic transformation and economic development for all.  We commend them for making these great strides.
Our own experience as South Africans is that the road to peace is no always easy.

South Africa has been mandated by the AU to Chair a Committee on Post Conflict Reconstruction & Development of the Southern Sudan. We are working together with IGAD and AU member countries to help rebuild institutions of governance in the South.

South Africa remains committed to supporting the peace processes in the Sudan. We will continue to play our part in the post-conflict reconstruction and development of the Sudan, with special emphasis on Southern Sudan and other war affected areas through our capacity and institution building programme. We will work with other member countries of the African Union to mobilise continental resources for the development of the Sudan.  More importantly, we need the Sudanese to take charge of their own destiny.
Let’s give peace and development a chance.

I thank you.

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