Statement by the Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation of the Republic of South Africa, H.E. Ms Sue van der Merwe, during the International Donors’ Conference Towards a New Future for Haiti, United Nations, New York, 31 March 2010


Allow me to congratulate the organisers for hosting a pledging conference to assist the people and Government of Haiti to rebuild their country after the devastating earthquake in January.  It is important that this United Nations, sends a strong message of support to the Government and the people of Haiti.


This conference could not have been organised at a more appropriate time, just one week after the UN General Assembly commemorated the International Day of Remembrance of Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade, in honour of Haiti.

Haiti, the first black Republic in the world, played a most significant role in the fight to end slavery, and it is tragic that this unimaginable disaster has come at the time when its people and leadership were working hard to put the country on a path towards sustainable development.

The people of South Africa, and her leadership, have drawn considerable inspiration from the people of Haiti during our own struggle against racial discrimination, and since gaining our own independence in 1994, South Africa and South Africans have identified strongly with the aspirations of the Haitian people as they face our common challenges of development and the achievement of democracy and stability for our respective societies.

The earthquake that shook Haiti in January reverberated with the people of our African continent, and its impact and consequences has been felt no less by South Africans, who have responded with generosity by offering material assistance to support the South African efforts to help Haiti; in search and rescue missions; through cash contributions and in the outpouring of sympathy and empathy for our sister nation.

I am here today, on behalf of the people and government of South Africa to reaffirm our commitment and resolve to continue to support Haiti during this phase of its reconstruction.  We will continue our support, within our limited means, and as we have done since we became a democracy 16 year ago.

Chairperson we believe that it will be crucial during this time, that international efforts continue to focus on the strengthening of national institutions and on building capacity within the Haitian state, and that our efforts continue to be coordinated through the United Nations.

South Africa therefore commits to add to the material and financial contributions we have already made during the first hours and days of the disaster, and pledges a further South African Rand 5 million to the ongoing effort.

As a developing nation, our country has sought to mobilise the human response of our people to the people of Haiti and to the cause of rebuilding that nation.  In so doing we have established an inter-ministerial committee which coordinates our efforts.  Our provinces and local governments are involved as is our civil society and our national broadcaster.  The South African Broadcasting Corporation has launched a national appeal which has raised more than South African Rand 2.5 million and this, with our government’s contribution will comprise our contributions to the reconstruction effort.

We recognise that our material contribution is small, but our people remain committed to play our role in support of the Haitian people.
Again I wish to thank the Secretary-General and the United Nations for the opportunity to be part of this international effort.

I thank you

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