Closing Statement by Deputy President Motlanthe at the conclusion of the 4th Session of the South Africa – China Bi-National Commission, Cape Town, 17 November 2010

It has been a great pleasure to have received His Excellency Vice President Xi Jinping and his delegation for this 4th Session of the South Africa-China Bi-National Commission.

The BNC follows in the wake of the successful State Visit undertaken by President Zuma to the People’s Republic of China, during which the Beijing Declaration on the Establishment of the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership between our two nations was signed.

The Comprehensive Strategic Partnership takes relations between South Africa and China to a higher level focusing on sustained economic growth, human resources development and co-operation on multilateral issues.

On economic growth the two countries will work together to promote a balanced and stable trade and investment between each other.  The Chinese government undertook to encourage more imports from South Africa, especially value added products and will urge Chinese companies to invest in infrastructure development, automotive manufacturing, energy and information and communication technology.

On human resources development China will invest 200 million rand in the development of vocational training in South Africa and increase scholarship allocation for South African students to study in China.  China will also send agro-technology experts to South Africa and the two countries will co-operate on Research and Development management and application.
On the strengthening of bi-lateral and multilateral co-operation the two countries will exchange visits and meet regularly to share views on issues concerning the UN, WTO, G20 and other multilateral bodies.

It is our belief that this meeting of the BNC has added impetus to our goal of consolidating cooperation between South Africa and China.

A number of agreements which will propel further our economic relations were signed.  As you are aware, China is already South Africa’s largest trading partner and a growing investor in our country.

The agreements signed are:

  • A letter of intent between the Department of Energy of the Republic of South Africa and the Chinese National Energy Administration.
  • Terms of Reference on establishing a Joint Working Group on Trade Statistics Analysis between the Department of Trade and Industry and the Ministry of Commerce of the People Republic of China.
  • Cooperation in the energy Sector
  • A Memorandum of Understanding between the South African Reserve Bank and the China Banking Regulatory Commission

We are confident that the objectives of the agreements will be realised in the near future.


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