Closing statement by Minister Maite Nkoana-Mashabane at the opening of the 1st South Africa-Mexico Binational Commission, 19 April 2010.

Your Excellency, Secretary Patricia Espinosa, Secretary of Foreign Affairs of the United Mexican States
Ambassador Mbete,
Ambassador Cabrera,
Members of our respective delegations,

Please accept on my own behalf and that of my delegation our sincere appreciation for your warm hospitality.

We have had productive discussions and I am confident that we have paved the way to grow our political bilateral and multilateral relations in support of our national priorities.
Our governments and people share the desire in building pluralistic and democratic societies and of finding ways to achieve sustainable development that reaches everyone without exception- rural, urban, poor and rich.

South Africa is committed to work together with Mexico in these areas where we have shared experiences as manifested by the constructive discussions that were held in the various sub committees.  We will also undertake to identify, together with our Mexican counterparts, new areas of cooperation that will benefit our societies.

In the international arena, we should commit each other in working towards a speedy and just resolution of the question of the Western Sahara and also the Palestinian-Israeli conflict in the Middle East.  We believe in a two state solution  
Aware of the responsibility of our countries as important role players in the international arena, we will intensify consultations in the multilateral fora.

In this regard, South Africa and Mexico are working closely together on climate change issues as the COP16 hosted by Mexico in December 2010 nears.  Both countries will have to be involved in a dynamic dialogue that ensure the success of the COP 16 as South Africa is entrusted with the responsibility of hosting the next conference, COP 17 in 2011.

Secretary Espinosa,
Kindly convey my government´s appreciation to President Calderon for receiving me earlier this afternoon.  South Africa would welcome the working visit of President Calderon in June 2010 at the invitation of President Zuma, where he will also attend the opening match between our national football teams at the 2010 FIFA World Cup.

South Africa is also looking forward to host the thousands of Mexican supporters that will follow their national team during the tournament.

Allow me to wish you, Your Excellency, everything of the very best in your professional endeavours and also as you prepare for the bicentennial celebrations of Independence and 100 years of the Mexican Revolution.

Muchas Gracias (Thank You) 

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