Closing Statement of the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action (ADP) delivered on behalf of Minister Maite Nkoana-Mashabane by Ambassador Mxakato-Diseko, Ambassador-at-Large for COP17/CMP7, Bonn: Friday, 25 May 2012
Distinguished Delegates,
Executive Secretary, Ms Christiana Figueres,
Co-Chairs of the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action (ADP),
Ladies and Gentlemen,
How poignant it is that we conclude our work in Bonn on Africa Day a day of unity. The Presidency of the COP17/CMP7 stands proud today of the contributions and efforts of the African Continent to the strengthening of multilateralism, particularly the UNFCCC. South Africa was born of the spirit of unity in diversity which is inherent in multilateralism. The UNFCCC process can only go forward on the basis of the spirit of Buntu, which as we explained in Durban means: “I am Because You Are, I Exist Because You Exist”.
Permit me to congratulate the Co-Chairs, Dr Mauskar and Mr Harrold Dovland, as well as the Rapporteur, Mr Oleg Shamanov. South Africa is confident that between you, the work of the ADP is in safe hands.
In the time we have been managing the process as COP17/CMP7 President it has become clear to us that for this system of negotiations to continue moving forward, it needs two essential ingredients, Mutual Trust and Transparency. This is particularly applicable when new significant areas of work signifying major shifts have to be embarked upon as in the case of the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action. Over and above this in a context where this negotiation framework is more or less like a moving bus without a permanent home, we all need common space and time to reach common understanding of how we affect these major shifts as we simultaneously strive to implement the decisions our Ministers make at the COPs.
Therefore although at this session we severely tested the trust quotient, it is our belief that that fundamentally and underneath, the system is secure and parties are learning how to mutually reassure as opposed to redlining each other. We know that this is the spirit with which we all proceed to Doha.
Co-Chairs, on our part as President of the COP17/CMP7, we congratulate the parties not only for launching the ADP, but also for managing to adopt an agenda as well as put in place a bureau at the helm of our work.
South Africa remains committed to the UNFCCC process and stands ready to assist both as COP17/CMP7 President and as a State Party working with Qatar to ensure a successful COP18/CMP8.
As for me I have immense respect for these negotiations, they are not for the faint hearted or the lily livered. I know however that humanity can bank on the Parties to continue striving for the best possible collective action required by climate change.
I thank you.