Opening Remarks by H.E. President Zuma at the Central African Republic International Contact Group Meeting, Brazzaville, Republic of Congo, 3 May 2013

Your Excellency, President Dennis Sassou-Nguesso, President of the Republic of Congo,

Honourable Ministers,

Your Excellency Ms Margaret Vogt, Representative of the United Nations,

Your Excellencies representatives of the African Union and all its organs,

Your Excellencies representatives of the International Contact Group,

Your Excellencies representatives of the ECCAS Region,

Esteemed delegates,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Let me begin by thanking His Excellency the President of the Republic of Congo for the exceptionally warm welcome and hospitality accorded to us since our arrival in Brazzaville.

We feel truly at home in this beautiful sister country.

Your Excellencies,

We are gathered here because of our belief that the future of the Central African Republic should be that of law and order, stability, safety, and respect for human rights.

There can never be peace and prosperity without stability. All of us here today should spare no effort in finding a solution that will bring about the stability of the entire Central African Region.

Reports of the attempted forceful change of government in the sister country of Chad, just across the border, a few days ago, are very disturbing.

It will become even more urgent that the regional leadership of the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) finds a solution to the chronic instability of the region.

We call on all those in positions of responsibility and leadership to ensure that the needless suffering of the people in the Central African Republic is brought to an end.

As we mark the 50th anniversary of the Organization of African Unity this month, we owe it to ourselves and generations to come to continue working tirelessly until we achieve peace, stability and prosperity in Africa.

Our meeting here is designed to contribute to that objective.

Your Excellencies let me use this opportunity to urge each one of you to do whatever you can to assist us in stabilizing the situation in the Central African Republic.

Ultimately, a stable peaceful and prosperous CAR is going to contribute to the wellbeing of the entire Central African Region and the African Continent.

I wish you all fruitful deliberations that will take the continent forward in the quest for peace and stability in the Central African Republic.

Thank you once again Excellency Mr President for inviting us to this meeting. South Africa stands ready to contribute in whatever humble way to finding solutions.

I thank you.





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