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Voting at the South African Embassy Warsaw, Poland

Voting will take place at the South African Embassy Warsaw, Poland on the 18 May 2024 from 07h00 to 19h00. You must have an original ID document to vote and registered at the Embassy of Warsaw to vote.

Those who are registered in South Africa or any South African Embassy/High Commission and Consulate General in any country and intended voting at the South African South African Embassy Warsaw, Poland must notify IEC by 22 April 2024 23:59 as follows:

To be allowed to vote at the South African Embassy Warsaw, Poland please read below information and use the link below to notify IEC of your intention to vote to vote in Poland, Warsaw.

Online VEC 10 notification and application form

Voters who will be voting at an international voting station that they are not registered to vote at, are required to submit an online VEC 10 special vote application by 22 April 2024 23:59.

Notify IEC of intention to vote at a South Africa diplomatic mission abroad.

Voting out-of-country is considered a special vote. In a change from previous years, not all voters who intend voting out-of-country are required to apply for a special vote online, known as a VEC 10 application.

  • A voter who is registered to vote out-of-country and intends voting at the accredited mission where they are registered to vote, is NOT required to submit an online VEC 10 special vote application.
  • Only voters who will be voting at an accredited mission that they are not registered to vote at, are required to submit an online VEC 10 special vote application. The completion of this form below informs the Electoral Commission of their intention to vote abroad by indicating the mission at which they will be voting, once the date of the national election is proclaimed.


South African Embassy: Warsaw, Poland – Invitation / Application to register on the Embassy of South Africa supplier database

All suppliers are herewith invited to register as prospective supplier on the database of The South African Embassy Poland.

South Africans living abroad and who are registered will be allowed to vote in the upcoming elections in South Africa. In this regard, please see the attached document as well as the information below.

  1. To verify if a person is registered to vote, type in the ID number on the IEC website to verify: www.elections.org.za.

  2. Click on “Check my voter registration status” and type in the ID number in the space provided.

  3. The results will indicate whether the person is registered or not.

  4. If the results indicate the person is registered to vote – no additional action is required for now. They do not have to travel to the Mission to register. They however will be required to complete an online “NOTIFICATION AND APPLICATION TO CEO FOR SPECIAL VOTES ABROAD” Form application to indicate that they will be voting outside of the country. The online application will be available on the IEC website on the date of proclamation for a period of 15 days thereafter.

  5. If the results indicate the person is not registered to vote ,Citizen can still register on-line at IEC Home - Electoral Commission of South Africa (elections.org.za). www.elections.org.za/pw/ = the online portal to register.

  6. Follow the instructions under ”Register to vote abroad”.

The on-line portal for voter registration is open and South African Nationals are encouraged to register online using the following link: https://www.elections.org.za/.
  • The dates for voter registration weekend at South African Embassy Warsaw is 27-28 January 2024. The weekend voter registration is to accommodate South African Nationals that could not register online.
  • Should South African Nationals have enquiries regarding voter registration and voting, the IEC must be contacted directly via their website.

For the latest information please visit the Embassy’s Facebook page at:


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