Visa Regime: UK

The United Kingdom on 9 February 2009 announced a general visa requirement for South African passport holders. The introduction of the revised entry requirements will take effect in two stages.

Stage one takes effect from 03 March 2009 and will require first time visitors to the United Kingdom from South Africa to obtain a visa. Those who can show a satisfactory travel history to the UK during the currency of an existing passport will initially be exempt from visa requirements.

Stage two is the scheduled full implementation of the visa regime by the middle of 2009. The UK authorities have advised that they will announce the final date at least 21 days prior to implementation.


The British Government has announced the final date as 30 June 2009.  All South African passport holders shall be subject to visa for the UK as from 1 July 2009.

The attention of South African citizens is drawn to the fact that this articulation is for information purposes. It remains the responsibility of each citizen to clarify the entry requirements with the authorities of the country which the citizen wishes to enter. Each sovereign state has the right to regulate entry onto its territory and the Government of the Republic of South Africa does not intervene in specified entry requirements of another sovereign state.

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Last updated: 3 April 2009
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