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France: Introduction of biometric visas (6 June 2013)

(Notification by the Consulate of France in Johannesburg)

Under the provisions of the Community Code on Visas and the Code on the Entry and Stay of Aliens and the Right of Asylum (CEDESA), the procedure for issuing a visa now necessarily includes the collection of biometric data (digital fingerprinting and digitised photographs) of the visa applicant.  The member countries of the Schengen Agreement have decided to issue biometric visas (digital fingerprinting and digitised photograph) starting on the 6th of June 2013.  This precaution fits into a global policy of ensuring a better guarantee of the right of residence of individuals residing legally in France and combat illegal entry and stay.

By the 29th of May 2013, the French Consulate will introduce biometric visas.  This procedure will be compulsory for each visa applicant aged twelve years and older.

Heads of State, Heads of Government and members of national governments and their accompanying spouses, will be exempted of this procedure no matter the purpose of the visit.  Members of official delegations of Heads of State and national governments will only be exempted of this procedure if on official visits or upon invitations by Member States, governments or international organisations.

South African Diplomatic or Official passport holders, travelling for more than a 90 days stay, are affected by this measure, as well as ordinary South African passport holders, regardless the length of their stay (short or long).


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Last updated: 24 July 2013
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