Bilateral Relations

African Union (AU)

South African Tourism

Important Notice:

The South African Embassy in Kazakhstan is moving office from Kaskad building to Renco building as from 01 February 2023.

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Welcome Message

Since achieving liberation in 1994, South Africa has made tremendous strides in bringing about political stability and building a better life for all its citizens.
We have a vibrant, growing and competitive economy supported by world class infrastructure, strong macro economic fundamentals and healthy public finances.

Currently, our economy is experiencing its longest upswing in recent history. Since 2004 our economic growth rate has been five fold the pre-1994 growth rate.

South Africa is also a fast growing and popular tourist destination, offering the visitor an unforgettable and hospitable cultural and culinary experience. South Africa is home to Africa’s busiest airport, the O.R. Tambo International Airport, which handles more than 10 million passengers a year.

We have a globally competitive financial services industry. The JSE Securities Exchange, our country’s equity and derivatives exchange, holds a treasured position as one of the top 20 exchanges in the world in terms of market capitalization.

South Africa also boasts modern transportation and logistics systems as well as advanced information and communication technologies infrastructure.

Our role as the Embassy is to promote and facilitate government to government relations with Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan. Similarly, we seek to promote trade and investment relations and to provide consular and immigration assistance.

For those of you who want to conduct business with South Africa, or would like to receive information regarding investment opportunities in South Africa, there are several links that will assist you.  Through these links you will be exposed to Africa’s largest and most diverse economy offering ever increasing business and investment opportunities. South Africa is alive with possibilities! Inspiring new ways!

Head of Mission
More Information
Statistics South Africa
South Africa Reserve Bank
South African Revenue Services
Johannesburg Stock Exchange
Government Online
South African Airways
South African Tourism
South Africa Broadcasting Corporation
Trade and Investment of South Africa (TIISA)
Public holidays in South Africa
Study in South Africa
CapeTown Music Festival
Arts Cape
Indaba South Africa
Mining Indaba
Market Theatre
35th International Geological Congress
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