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SA Missions: Commissioner of Oaths


Note on Commissioners of Oaths at South African Diplomatic and Consular Missions

According to GN R1872 published in GG7215 of 12 September 1980, officers of the Department of Foreign Affairs posted to serve abroad are authorised to perform the functions of a Commissioner of Oaths.

GN R1872 provides amongst other things that the persons authorised to perform Commissioner of Oaths function are the “head of a South African diplomatic or consular mission; any office in the Administrative or Professional Division of the Public Service, provided that the holder of such office is an officer as defined in section 1 of the Public Services Act, 1957 (Act No 54 of 1957)”.

South African officials posted aboard who act as Commissioner of Oaths are officials of the Public Service as defined in section 1 and are therefore authorised, in terms of Government Notice GN R1872 to act as Commissioner of Oaths.

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