African Regional Cooperative Agreement for Research, Development (AFRA)


Dr Neil Jarvis from NECSA is the National AFRA Coordinator for South Africa.

Dr NV Jarvis, AFRA National Coordinator
NECSA, P O Box 582, PRETORIA, 0001
Telephone : +27 (12) 305-5246
Facsimile : +27 (12) 305-5944
E-mail :


AFRA was founded by Algeria, Egypt and Tunisia and entered into force on 4 April 1990. The Agreement stems from an initiative of several African Member States of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to help establish a regional arrangement for cooperation in the field of nuclear science and technology in Africa. AFRA seeks to accelerate moves towards self-sufficiency in scientific disciplines and appropriate technologies by coordinating in Telephonelectual and physical resources and disseminating innovative methods and practices in a cost-effective manner.

South Africa's role in AFRA is linked to its overall support to the IAEA's Technical Cooperation Programme TCP) in Africa.


• South African Nuclear Energy Corporation (NECSA)
• International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)


Treaty of Pelindaba


Algeria, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Libya, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritius, Morocco, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Sudan, Tanzania, Tunisia, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe.


In order to address Africa's needs in terms of nuclear science and technology, AFRA has identified certain projects and established Specialized Teams to solve the problems. South Africa sent a Specialized Team to Ghana in November 1998 to clear that country from radium needles. Ghana has consequently been certified free of danger from radiation originating from depleted uranium sources. In addition, a Specialized Team from South Africa on Nuclear Medicine Tunisia, Ethiopia and Morocco to audit their medical facilities.

Other projects where South Africa plays a leading role are the following: neonatal screening, improvement of clinical radiotherapy, sustainable regional capability in nuclear medicine, increased productivity and profitability in milk and meat production, radiation processing of food and industrial products, consolidation of regional capabilities for maintenance of medical and scientific instruments, as well as the investigation of origin of leakage’s in dams and artificial reservoirs.

AFRA is very active in the sphere of nuclear science and technology, and could play a useful role in the embodiment of the vision of the African Renaissance.

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