Bureau International des Expositions
56 Avenue Victor Hugo, 75783 Paris, Cedex 16
The BIE operates in terms of a protocol signed
in Paris on 30 November 1972 (revising a convention
signed in Paris on 22 November 1928) relating to
the hosting of, and participation in international
exhibitions which allows participating countries
to present to visitors those images of themselves
which they would like to portray. These world expositions
usually carry on for several months, and are not
to be confused with trade fairs (not being dealt
with by the BIE).
More than 80 countries are presently members of
the BIE. South Africa is a member since 1993 and,
due to its membership, receives invitations to participate
in all world expositions hosted with the approval
of the BIE. South Africa participated in the Lisbon
Expo '98 and will participate in the Expo 2000 Hannover.
South Africa will participate in the forthcoming
world exposition, Expo 2000 Hannover, to be hosted
in Hannover, Germany from 1 June to 31 October 2000.
The central theme of the Expo will be "Humankind
- Nature - Technology" and South Africa's sub-theme
will be "Faranani - together towards an African