International Organization for
Migration (IOM)
Office in South Africa:
Street Address: 826 Government Avenue, Arcadia,
Postal Address: PO Box 9305, Pretoria 0001
Tel: (+27) 12 342 2789
Fax: (+27) 12 342 0932
The IOM started off as the International Refugees
Organisation. After World War II, it fell into disfavour
with President Truman and various European countries,
and was abolished. In 1951 the Office of the UN
High Commissioner for Refugees was established and,
outside the UN, the precursor to the IOM. The Intergovernmental
Committee for European Migration (ICEM) was established
in Brussels on 5 December 1951.
International developments gradually led to an
extension of the operations of the ICEM and in 1980,
in recognition of the ICEM's global role, it was
renamed Intergovernmental Committee for Migration
During a special session in May 1987, specific
amendments to the Constitution, in particular as
regards the ICM's role and mandate, were adopted.
At the same time the Council resolved to change
the name to that of International Organization for
Migration (IOM).
The South African Government approved membership
of the IOM on 22 October 1997. South Africa was
admitted as a member at the 74th Session of the
IOM Governing Council which took place in Geneva
from 25 - 27 November 1997. The IOM has established
its regional offices in Pretoria which cater for
IOM activities in the entire region (SADC).
Department of Home Affairs
The activities of the IOM include the provision
of emergency assistance to migrants affected by
conflict situations. The IOM has participated in
virtually every emergency involving large-scale
movement of people since it was founded in 1951.
The IOM offers its services to vulnerable populations
in need of evacuation, resettlement or return.
The IOM also provides services during periods of
post-conflict rehabilitation, reconstruction and
development. In recent years, the international
community has also come to look to the IOM increasingly
to assist in the repatriation and reintegration
of demobilized soldiers or police officials.
Through its "migration for development programmes",
the IOM provides skilled manpower to states, taking
into account national development priorities as
well as the needs and concerns of receiving communities.
The IOM furthers the understanding of migration
through regional and international seminars and
conferences. These also help to develop practical
solutions to problems. By means of its technical
cooperation programmes, the IOM offers advisory
services on migration. These programmes respond
to the needs of governments to develop coherent
responses to migration challenges in a changing
international environment. Their aims are to assist
in the development and implementation of migration
policy, legislation and management. The IOM technical
cooperation programmes also focus on capacity-building
projects such as training courses for government
migration officials.
According to the IOM constitution, any state with
a demonstrated interest in the principle of free
movement of persons, which undertakes to make a
financial contribution at least to the administrative
requirements of the Organisation, may join.
IOM hold annual meetings on Migration Dialogue
for Southern Africa (MIDSA). The first one was held
in Pretoria in 1999 followed by the 2000 meeting
in Swaziland. The 2001 meeting will be held in Zambia
in May. The object of MIDSA is to develop a comprehensive
Migration Policy that would be beneficial for Southern
Africa i.e a policy that would recognise that effective
and co-operative boundary management enhances trade,
economic cooperation and development, as well as
strengthens mutual trust between countries in Southern