World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO)


WIPO promotes the protection of intellectual property throughout the world through cooperation among states and, where appropriate, in conjunction with other international organizations. Amongst other things, WIPO encourages the conclusion of new international treaties and the modernization of national legislation; gives technical assistance to developing countries; assembles and disseminates information; assists in obtaining protection of inventions, marks and industrial designs for which protection in several countries is desired; and promotes administrative cooperation among member states.

South Africa became a member of WIPO on 23 March 1975. In October 1977 it was decided not to permit further South African participation in activities of WIPO. South Africa resumed participation in the activities of WIPO and its subsidiary bodies, after a decision to this effect by an Extraordinary Session of its Co-ordination Committee, held on 29 July 1994.


Department of Trade and Industry
Registrar of Patents Office


Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property of 1884 (Paris Union). South Africa became a party to the Convention on 1 December 1947.

Berne Convention for the Protection of Liberty and Artistic Works of 1886 (Berne Union). South Africa became party to the Convention on 3 October 1928.

Trade Mark Treaty Law of 1994 (Geneva). South Africa signed the treaty on 27 October 1994.

International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV), 1961. South Africa became a party to the Convention on 6 November 1977.

South Africa acceded to the Patent Co-operation Treaty (PCT) on 16 December 1998, and this Treaty was implemented on 16 March 1999. The PCT has an impact on foreign patents filed in South Africa and on the transfer of technology to the country.

Budapest Treaty on the International Recognition of the Deposit of Micro-Organisms for Purposes of Patent Procedure. South Africa has acceded to this treaty on 11 April 1997 and it came into effect on 14 July 1997


The South African Intellectual Property Office has been appointed as the WIPO training centre for Africa. This is significant for South Africa's interaction with other WIPO member states on the Continent. Although South Africa has a highly developed intellectual property system, it is important that continuous development should take place in this area. WIPO will continue to be of assistance in offering various funded training courses for staff of the Intellectual Property Office. It will also provide assistance with the building of intellectual property awareness in South Africa through various initiatives which will be run jointly with the Intellectual Property Office.

South Africa is able to benefit from participation in various committees under the auspices of WIPO. This not only allows South Africa the opportunity to make a contribution at these forums, but also assists in shaping the country's intellectual property system.

WIPO has a considerable body of expertise at its disposal to assist member countries with advice on intellectual property issues and legislative options, where required.

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