Indonesia (Republic of)

History of Relations | Diplomatic Representation | Travel Info | Health Info | Climate Info | Currency Info | Trade Info | Visits and Meetings | Agreements | Interest Groups / Organisations

History of Relations

South Africa and the Republic of Indonesia established diplomatic relations in August 1994. Consequently the South African Embassy was established in Jakarta in January 1995. The first South African Ambassador to Indonesia, H.E. Mr B.S. Kubheka, presented his credentials to President Soeharto on 28 March 1996.

South African - Indonesian Relations

An overview of Indonesia
Basic Facts about Indonesia
Statistics on Indonesia
Useful Links on Indonesia
Let's Go: Indonesia
Tourism Information on Indonesia

Diplomatic Representation

South African Representation in Indonesia 

H E Dr H Fisher
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

South African Embassy

Indonesia Representation in South Africa

H E Mr Salman Al Farisi
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia

Travel Info

Visa Requirements for South Africans

For more information contact the Consular Section of the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia.

Health Info

Jakarta has come a long way in recent years in terms of hygiene, but a few points are worth noting.

1. Stick to bottled water
Don't drink water from a tap, even in the most luxurious resorts. Ice in drinks, however, should not cause concern, as ice vendors in Jakarta operate under strict government guidelines.

2. Malaria
Use mosquito repellent and cover up at night. The use of anti-malaria prophylactics are advised when travelling to eastern Indonesia, though in Jakarta itself malaria is not considered a problem.

3. Food
Eat only at established hotels and restaurants, as food at traditional food stalls (warung) and hawker carts (kaki lima) may look enticing, but unless one's system is adjusted to the vagaries of local food preparation, they are best avoided.

4. Vaccinations
It is strongly recommended that vaccinations for tetanus and both Hepatitis A and B be taken.

5. General
Be sure to guard against sunburn, dehydration and heat exhaustion. Patent medicines are available at numerous pharmacies (apotik), but watch the dosage and chemical ingredients as Indonesian drugs tend to be stronger than the norm.

·         Indonesian Ministry of Health

·         Travelers' Health

·         WHO Representative Office in Indonesia

Climate Info

1. Seasons
Lying some 80 degrees (372 km) south of the equator, Jakarta has a tropical monsoon climate. The city is hot and humid year-round. The long rainy season falls between late October and early May, though rain occurs throughout the year, averaging 1791 mm. Rains tend to come in short heavy bursts, but even during the rainy season it doesn't rain every day. It rains on only a handful of days during the dry season from July to September.

2. Humidity
Afternoon humidity averages around 70%, but is higher during the morning. Temperatures are fairly even throughout the year, averaging approximately 32 degrees celsius maximum and 25 degrees celsius minimum . Jakarta gets a steady supply of 12 hours daylight throughout the year, though it is often filtered through cloud cover. In the dry season the skies are clearer, though Jakarta's pollution and the dust haze along the coast means that clear blue skies are rare. Mornings are sunnier than the afternoons.

3. Heat
Jakarta's heat is legendary among its inhabitants, especially the expatriate community, though it is no hotter than most other Indonesian cities. It is more a case that the frustrations and clamour of the city are made more intolerable by the heat. The heat and humidity certainly makes it bothersome getting around the city, and walking can reduce all but the most acclimatised to perspiring profusely in no time. Jakarta is hotter in the evenings than the inland cities, with the city trapping much of the heat.

Many expatriates as well as the local population flee to the mountains over the weekends (Puncak and Bogor, one-and-a-half hours drive from Jakarta) where the air is cleaner and much cooler than Jakarta. During the rainy season the temperatures drop dramatically in the evenings and it is not uncommon to find log fires being lit in many homes.

For up-to-date weather information click here.

Currency Info

The monetary unit is the Rupiah. The symbol for the Rupiah is "Rp" (or international abbreviation: "IDR"). The following denominations are available: Coins (Rp 25.00, Rp 50.00, Rp 100.00, Rp 500.00, Rp 1000.00), and Notes (Rp 500.00, Rp 1000.00, Rp 5000.00, Rp 10 000.00, Rp 20 000.00, Rp 50 000.00).

For current exchange rates:

·         Bank Indonesia
·         OANDA Currrency Converter

State and Official Visits / Bilateral Meetings

No information

Bilateral Agreements

If you have any queries with regard to treaties please contact the Treaty Section of the Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) at 012 351 1000.

Trade Info

Main exports: prepared foods, pulp and paper.  Main imports: vegetable products, fats and oils, plastics, rubber, timber, pulp, paper, footwear, stone, plaster and textiles

For current information on trade statistics between South Africa and Indonesia, visit the website of the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition of South Africa.

Interest Groups and Information

South African-Melayu Cultural Society

Indonesia South Africa Business Forum
Chairperson: Micky A Hehuwat
Tel: 09 62 21 765 3053/2340
Fax: 09 62 21 769 0542


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