
History of Relations | Diplomatic Representation | Travel Info | Health Requirements | Climate Info | Currency Info | Trade Info | Visits and Meetings | Agreements | Interest Groups/ Organisations

History of Relations

Relations between South Africa and Mozambique have their historic origin as far back as 1928 when South Africa and Portugal entered into a Convention which regulated labour; transport and commercial matters between South Africa and the colony of Mozambique.

South Africa's mines have over many decades employed substantial numbers of miners of Mozambican origin, resulting in the repatriation of deferred payment of salaries, which formed a valuable source of income for the Mozambican economy.

Since the advent of democracy in South Africa in 1994 and peace in Mozambique, South Africa and Mozambique have strengthened their relations, especially the area of economic cooperation and investment. This cooperation resulted in the implementation of multi-billion rand economic projects, inter alia, the Maputo Development Corridor and the Trilateral Spatial Development Initiative with Swaziland.

The Governments of South Africa and Mozambique on 20 July 1994 entered into the Agreement for a Joint Permanent Commission for Cooperation, thereby providing the mechanism for further cooperation.

A Heads of State Economic Bilateral Forum was created in 1997. These meetings are held quarterly under the chairmanship the Presidents of South Africa and Mozambique and attended by the ministers and officials of relevant ministries of both countries. The Heads of State Economic Bilateral presides over strategic projects between the two countries.

The two countries agreed to elevate their bilateral relations, resulting in the conversion of the Joint Permanent Commission for Cooperation (JPC) which was chaired at a Ministerial levea to a Bi-National Commission of Cooperation (BNC) which is chaired at a Presidential level. South Africa hosted the inaugural session of the BNC in October 2015. The BNC has enabled the two countries to further explore new areas of cooperation and the meetings take place annually.

Given the importance of Mozambique in view of President TM Mbeki's African Renaissance initiatives, various Presidential, Ministerial and Official meetings are taking place on a continuous basis.

Diplomatic Representation

South African Representation in Mozambique

Chargé d'Affaires a.i.
Ms J Strachan

South African High Commission

Mozambican Representation in South Africa

H E Mr P J Macaringue
High Commissioner Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

Mozambican High Commission

Travel Info

Visa Requirements for South Africans

For more information contact the Mozambican High Commission.

Health Requirements

Malaria and bilharzia are prevalent - visitors are advised to consult beforehand with their physicians in respect of appropriate medical precautions to be taken.

For up-to-date COVID-19 information click here.

For further information go to Travelers' Health.

Climate Info

Tropical to subtropical.

For up-to-date weather information click here.

Currency Info

The monetary unit is the Mozambique Metical (MZN).

For current exchange rates click here.

State and Official Visits / Bilateral Meetings

President Cyril Ramaphosa undertook a working visit to Mozambique in January 2019, to read the statement, click here.

The second session of the South Africa-Mozambique Bi-National Commission (BNC) took place in Maputo during August 2017, to read the statement, click here.

Bilateral Agreements

If you have any queries with regard to treaties please contact the Treaty Section of the Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) at 012 351 1000.

Trade Info

For current information on trade statistics between South Africa and Mozambique, visit the website of the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition of South Africa.

Interest Groups and Information

Contact : Mr Paul da Sousa
President CCIMOSA
Tel: 092581 - 42 1892 - 5
Fax: 092581 - 42 1899


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